To the woman who is working to love & prioritise herself,
I see you.
In a world that’s made loving yourself a challenge, you have done so well.
You’ve recognised that wishing you could change things about yourself to ‘fit the standard’ isn’t suiting you anymore. You’ve recognised that your insecurities and ‘flaws’ are a part of who you are, and they are not the only thing that exists about you.
Through every ad, commercial, societal norm, or subconscious thought, you’ve ended up here, at a point in time where you realise that if fitting the standard is going to take away from the person you are, you don’t want it.
You have no idea how good it’s going to get!
Starting? One of the scariest parts.
Sticking to it? One of the hardest parts.
Reaping the rewards and benefits? The part where it starts to get good.
Once you truly start to let go of the old, self-limiting narrative you have going on repeat in your head, and start to embrace love for yourself, you will start to open doors you never even thought existed. You are MADE FOR MORE beauty.
When you start to take care of yourself, even if it’s starting with the basics, things start to shift and change in your favour. Watch your mindset shift and change, even in the slightest of ways.
Your journey is your journey, however that may look. The only person you need to compare yourself to is yourself (comparing to anyone else is a waste of time).
Focus on how far you’ve come, every little step, how proud of yourself you are and how excited you are for all there is to come beauty.
Keep. Showing. Up. For. Yourself.
No matter how tough it gets, no matter how much you want to quit – keep showing up. The only way to get through it is to go through it, and showing up for yourself every single day is the only way to get there.
You’ve got this you beautiful woman.