Instead of pushing yourself to finish the year at a mad pace to squeeze all those 2024 goals in or throw out

Instead of pushing yourself to finish the year at a mad pace to squeeze all those 2024 goals in or throw out the “can’t wait for the year to be over” chat (I’ve heard it several times already)...

Let’s prioritise feeling grounded, connected, regulated, easeful, purposeful, peaceful, rested, nourished, and aligned.


How often do you give yourself the opportunity to rest?

I know parents, this can be especially challenging.

My dharma is to serve others but I know that I can only do that fully when I am at service to myself, something l’ve worked so hard on this in the past couple of years.


Rather than creating and coaching from an empty cup, I am choosing to refuel and reconnect with my energy & reassess.

When I speak to my beautiful clients and friends it seems that there is a lot of guilt around being tired especially as women - as if we have somehow failed because our nervous systems have whispered “enough” . And then I feel like when we do say we’re tired we have to justify the fuck out of it.

It’s totally ok to be tired beauty.


It’s also ok to recognise this tiredness without drowning in guilt because you didn’t manage to keep the fire burning.

It’s ok when the fire goes out.

In fact it’s a necessary step in the cycle of life.

You are not a machine. You are a human being with a nervous system that gets disregulated by life’s pace and when it does

- nothing really flows like it needs to.

You deserve to flow.

So give yourself permission to recharge, to rest, to give to yourself in whatever way supports YOU, YOUR energy, YOUR well-being.


#showupforyourself #restandrecharge #prioritiseyourself #protectyourenergy #growthmindset #mindfulwoman

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